Lote Magnolia
Updated - 8/30/2024
Lot Info:
La Cooperativa San Martin Jilotepeque (COSAMAJ)
Farmer’s Names:
Las Magnolias
San Martin Jilotepeque, Guatemala
Fully Washed, Dry Fermentation, Patio Dried, 15+ European Preparation
Elevation & Varietals
+1,650m (Varietals)
Cupping Notes:
Sweet Cinnamon Honey Chocolates, Red Cherry, Honeycrisp Apple Acidity & Creamy Floral Body
13 - (69KG) Bags Houston Dupuy
Available for Forward Contracting
Of the six farmers that entered into this lot, we’ve gotten to know three of them really well by now. Don Santiago, of course, is the backbone behind much of this lot. Over the years he’s dedicated the majority of his harvest to our lots; which takes a lot of faith, particularly in this high market season. He deeply believes in the mission of the cooperative and has gone out of his way to support our relationship with COSAMAJ. This level of commitment and dedication is heavily seen in his lands and in the way his cherries are harvested.
Don Santiago has gotten the chance to meet 5-6 roasters since our relationship in 2019. This has helped to change the perception he has when harvesting cherries. Instead of the unknown abyss, he now has a mental picture of the people that’ll eventually buy his coffee. It’s this picture that motivates him to do an even better job. For him, being able to invest in these relationships signifies a better future for his five children that will eventually follow in his footsteps.
More about the lot…
Lote Magnolia receives its name from a geographical region of Jilotepeque called Las Magnolias. As COSAMAJ, they liked the idea of separating out lots by the various geographical regions in Jilotepeque; which is where the other names, La Colina and El Sapito, come from as well.
Reach out if you’d like to learn more!