Our Belief is Simple: Better Relationships, Better Coffee

Our Mission is to Create Collaborative Relationships between Producers and Roasters; through sourcing coffee Relationally, Directly, Transparently, and Honorably.

Let’s Change the Way We Source Coffee


Our mission is to provide better market access and farm-level opportunities for Producers in Guatemala.

By meeting with Producers at the farm-level, it enables us to offer a more direct and mutually beneficial relationship that ultimately supplies a stronger framework for better coffees and a more sustainable future.


When sourcing coffee becomes less about business and more about friendships, there's a beauty that inspires the desire to bless one another.

Above sourcing great coffees, it’s our greater desire to have quality relationships with Producers. Because of our commitment to relationships above all else, it enables us to make long-term investments that we’ll see develop overtime.


The industry has often removed Producers from the other steps of the supply chain. It's our aim to break down this wall and invite everyone to the same table.
This collectively empowers Producers & Roasters to know their ability to positively influence one another.
One of the many ways we do this tangibly is by providing our annual Price Transparency Report. (Ask More!)


“To Give Honor Where Honor Is Due” is a phrase you’ll hear from us often.
The joy, the multi-generational investment, the vision for a better future, and the overall hard-working character of Producers are what continue to inspire us to source coffee in a way that gives honor to the Producers we work with and to the quality of their coffees.

Producer Relationships

It’s an honor to represent producers, their work, and their communities. We hope that you’ll get to meet them personally one day, know their story, and better understand why, and how you source coffee matters!

How Coffee is Sourced Matters

Reach out if you’d like to learn more or request samples. Feel free to submit your message here, or DM us on our Instagram.